Friday, January 4, 2008

Why it "just doesn't matter"

Some think it's odd that an atheist would start a religion. Religion is usually associated with the supernatural, the acceptance that some things are unknowable, that there is a power higher than yourself.

I view religion as a netorking infrastructure for individuals of like mind. By like-mind I mean those who come to the same conclusions on issues such as "Where did I come from?" "Why am I here?" "Will there be life after this life?" The common answer: "It just doesn't matter!"

It doesn't matter because however you came to be, you were not involved in the decision. You were not party to any negotiation. Therefore you have no obligation to whoever, whatever put you here. Your life, your self, belongs to you, in this life or any other.

The atheist does not have to forego pondering an "afterlife". An afterlife does not have to be supernatural. In fact anything that exists must be natural. The fact that we don't know all the mechanics of it yet doesn't make it magic. What is, is. The one thing I know for sure is no matter where I go, there I am. I'm still me and I still own my self. This is non-negotiable in any universe.

The rest Doesn't Matter. Same game, different playground.

1 comment:

Twinsmom said...

Cool Ed! Sounds pretty logical to me!