Monday, December 24, 2007

Atheist Holiday - Illuminas

Perhaps you've never heard of Illuminas. I'd be surprised if you did, since I just made it up. I decided Atheists need a real holiday. I like the idea of a Tree of Knowledge, adorned with books, as some have come up with, so I'm going to build on that.

Illuminas celebrates the victory of knowledge over ignorance. It's celebrated between December 20th and December 25th, as the days stop getting shorter and begin to get longer: As we pass from darkness into light.

Symbols include
The Tree of Knowledge (any tree you like, adorned with books, writings, anything symbolic of knowledge.)

Images of Eve - Our heroin who chose knowledge over ignorance at the expense of exile from Eden.

Apples - in honor of the Eve story

Colors: Black and Bright - any bright colors against a black backdrop, symbolizing the challenge of the unknown and the joy of discovery, which is only made possible by the existence of the unknown.

Appropriate Gifts:
Books, Apples (or any fruit), magazine subscriptions, educational toys and gifts
One could also include the newest high tech toys and gadgets as a celebration of science, and because it's a good excuse to blow some dough on cool new stuff.

Holiday Greetings:
Happy Holidays (of course)
Happy Illuminas
Truth Be With You

It's too late to launch for '07, so I'm getting a jump on '08. Mark your calendars and start working on those Illuminas cards and decorations!!